New/Old Job!

I got my current job! I know that doesn’t make much sense. I’ve been at my current job for a year but I have been working as a contractor. As of the 7th I am a real employee! It’s the same job with a different title, more money, and benefits! Really good benefits too. I really love this job and I’m so happy to be making this transition. This is a place I could see myself retiring from one day so I really hope things continue on the great path their on right now.

What does this mean for me? One of my big goals right now is to build my savings, and to pay off my remaining credit card debt. My company matches 401K contributions dollar for dollar up to 6% so I will be contributing 6%. With that and all of my benefits I will be clearing about the same amount that I am right now, but I will no longer be paying $327 a month out of that for health insurance. So this transition means not only will I be saving a lot more for retirement, I will also have more to put towards these other goals. My first priority is building up a $5,000 emergency fund. I have about $3500 right now so it shouldn’t take too long. Then I will be focusing on the credit card. There are some other things that I plan to do to hit these goals but I will save those for another post!

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Welcome to my site. I don’t expect a lot of people to end up here, so if you’re here I hope you find some information you can use. I’m using this space to document my journey to make some drastic changes in my life. As of this writing I am 44 years old and I have two adult sons that are still living with me. I will write more in depth on why they are still home, what our agreement is, and why I made those decisions in the future. But because I will soon be facing an empty nest as a single person who has spent a long time making them my number one priority I’m now facing a new future and I’m finding that there are some changes that I really need to make.

My two main focus areas will be my finances and my health. Part of the health conversation will be related to intentional weight loss, so if that is a topic that is uncomfortable for you then you will want to skip over my health related posts. I will try to make sure that I categorize the posts so that you can use the menu on the home page to find the information you are looking for. I also have several resources pages that you can use to find products, services, or sites that I use and recommend.

While this space is primarily going to be somewhat like a journal for me I hope that readers will find something that helps them on their own journey. Thank you for joining me as I head out onto a new path!

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